Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Special Events and Festivals in Costa Blanca

The region of Alicante celebrates several outstanding cultural festivals each year, unique to the region and special in the hearts of the people of Spain. These special events and festivals in Costa Blanca mark important dates in Spanish history and in the history of its primary religion, Catholicism. The main events are the festival of the Moors and Christians and the annual summer festivals.

Annually in late April, in the town of Alcoy, a paper-mache castle is built in the town plaza and the people of Alcoy re-enact the battle between the Moorish and Christian leaders. On the first day, the people flock to participate in the vibrantly colored parades that weave their way around Alcoy. They spend a large bit of time making their outfits together. Curiously, everyone wants to be a Moor since their tribal costumes seem to be the most colorful and exotic.

The second day is St. Georges Day. On this day, the religious parts of the festival are remembered, when relics of the Saint are removed from the Church of Santa Maria and returned to the temple. That evening, a spectacular firework display takes place and Valencien effigies are engulfed in huge bonfires in the town.

On the last day, a furious battle happens in the streets of Alcoy. For hours, the two armies of the Christians and the Moors flood through the streets firing blunderbusses that are deafeningly loud. Before noon, the Moors succeed in taking the castle. In the afternoon, after a child dressed as St. George makes a timely appearance on the battlements, the Christians regain control of the castle and the conflict is ended.

Summer festivals take place for the full duration of the season throughout the region. They consist of many different types of activities and reach a climax in August, as the season comes to an end. The special events and festivals are open for most visitors to participate in, as the Spanish are an inviting and kind people. Take the time to experience at least one local festival on your Costa Blanca holidays.

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